Cosplay Story Submission
Want to share your Cosplay Horror or Happy Story on the podcast? Fill out the form here and we will let you know which upcoming episode might feature your story!
For topic suggestions, guest requests, or convention guest invites, please see our General Contact Form.
Cosplay Horror Stories can be anything from cosplay crafting mishaps or silly mistakes that happen at conventions.
Cosplay Happy Stories are heartwarming interactions in cosplay, fond memories, and so much more.
Story Submission Guidelines
Please follow these guidelines for submitting your stories. Stories not following these guidelines may be subject to dismissal and not aired.
Please avoid using any profanities; we do our best to be a family friendly podcast
Please refrain from using individual’s names without permission.
Our Community aims to…
share stories that are important to you.
build up our peers and avoid tearing down others.
bring attention to issues in our community and how to help make our community more accepting, welcoming, and amazing.
Please note that all stories are subject to review and minor edits. The Stitch and Seam team reserves the right to not air a story.